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Newsweek looks at next summer's attempted resuscitation of the Batman franchise, Batman Begins. Warner Bros. is anxious to finally revive the comic book hero, but without any of that troubling leather-and-rubber [Ed. note—Gay.] fetishism that director Joel Schumacher ladeled on Batman and Robin like hot fudge at a Robert Mapplethorpe photo shoot. New director Christopher Nolan has been charged with butching up the production, but the Newsweek article is sending some mixed signals about the Caped Crusader's de-sissyfication:

Says Batman Begin's costume designer: "...we...didn't want to go too much in the homoerotic direction."

But yet: "Whenever [new Batman Christian] Bale is in costume, two people trail him to keep it smudge-free; another person is charged with making sure his cape billows dramatically."