· Courtney Love, finally fulfilling her goal to become the most hated woman in the business of show, cancels her upcoming Central Park concert. [NYDN]
· The Miramax/Disney split is looking more and more likely. Losing Miramax would bring much shame to Disney: after that, it'll only be mere weeks until Disney's Michael Eisner is selling his tiny Mickey Mouse-tattooed ass for crack. [NYP]
· Comedy Central dumps 'The Man Show.' Now we'll have to stalk foul-mouthed hottie Joe Rogan somewhere else. [NYP]
· Chris Martin skulks around the West Village with baby Apple; stupid photographers miss their tiny quarry. [NYDN]
· Vin Diesel parties with a bevy of girls in Vegas. Yeah, I bet they spent oodles of time shopping and talking outfits together. [NYP]