Rounding out our gayest day ever here on Gawker — we promise, not another WORD about the homos til at least Friday — is today's Young Manhattanite interview with Village Voice gossip Michael Musto. Musto evidently yearns for 1986, back when he was famous, and he'd like to kick the coat-tailing Carsons and Kyans of the world to the curb:

I was gay (and country) before it was cool, so my roaringly funny gay wit mainly served to pave the way for other people to cash in on their version of it later on. Unless someone puts my stuff into a book compilation — QUICKLY — there will be no record of my having even existed. But that's fine; I am deeply satisfied knowing that I helped push society forward a bit and don't want any credit whatsoever. (FUUUUUUUCKKKKK!)

Michael Musto, Village Voice [Gothamist]
Tomorrow's Musto column today: La Dolce Musto [V.V.]