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Like a red ball hurtling towards your unprotected genital region, DodgeBall backlash whistles through the internet. An angry Craigslist NY poster rants against Ben Stiller and meaningless references to Scott Baio vehicles from long ago:

But the worst part, the part that will make me spend my $10 on a different movie instead, comes on the dodgeball court, where a guy on the court and a girl in the stands yell "I love you" to each other. Then, the formerly funny Stiller beans the guy with the ball and says "Joanie loves Chachi!"

For those of you who are less than 500 years old, "Joanie Loves Chachi" was a TV show a long time ago. It doesn't mean anything. It isn't funny. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the scene Stiller says it in. And that's the part they think's so good they should show it on TV again and again every day! What's the rest of the movie like? People screaming "Growing Pains," and "Full House," and "Small Wonder!"?