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We're still not convinced that Carol Kolb, editor-in-chief of The Onion, is a real person. (We figure she's a Googled-up blonde lady, used to put a human face on the terrifying drug-disfigured hippies from Wisconsin that run their fine publication.) Still, today's interview with her on Handlebars is hilarious. On sarcasm-impaired readers:

[W]e did this op-ed, "Mary Kate Is Dragging Ashley Down" and we got 800 emails in big pink letters protesting this. They were the best thing ever.

"Carol"'s advice for young comedy writers:

Yeah, have a really awful childhood. Get fingered by your uncle when you're eight or something like that. No, I think that it helps to just write a lot.

A few words with Carol Kolb [Handlebars]