Hollywood PrivacyWatch: More Celebs Than You Can Run Over In An SUV

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let the famous know that every time they drive out of their gated homes, we are watching.
In this episode, a triumphant return after a one-week hiatus, Drew Barrymore with the high-roller grocery club card, Orlando Bloom and Kate Bosworth flaunting their perfection at a party to a gape-mouthed observer, Mary-Kate Olsen (sans the other twin) lets her boyfriend sit on her at the Lakers game (with throw-in sightings of Steven Spielberg, Haley Joel Osment, Denzel Washington, Sharon Stone, Leo DiCaprio, and Jack Nicholson), Liz Hurley impregnator Steve Bing, Dave Navarro, John Corbett, Don Johnson, members of The Hives, Rachel Bilson and Adam Brody (again), Josh Duhamel, Larry King, Morgan Fairchild, Blow Out's Jonathan Antin (x2), and humpy, tongues-speaking E! gossiper Ted Casablanca.
· Saw Drew Barrymore at the Pavilions in Santa Monica at 9th and Montana. She looked good (didn't look beat!) and was with some dude who I didn't pay attention to. I can't confirm, but I do believe that she had one of those black Pavilions club cards, you know, for high rollers. So they can still get the discount.
· saw orlando bloom and kate bosworth at a party over weekend: they were delightful, quite possibly the two most gorgeous creatures on earth and about as down to earth as you could hope. color me shocked by their genuine, polite characters and real-life handsomeness; absolutely the nicest celebs i've had the "pleasure" of meeting...about the only poor thing I can say about them is she wears more make up than she needs to, and i did have the urge to pull her aside and feed her. (i am not drinking celebrity koolaid with either - trust me, i wish they'd worn lampshades, looked haggard and humiliated themselves more than almost anything so i could share that instead.)
· Spotted Mary Kate without Ashley at the Laker game, she was with her boyfriend. During halftime they moved themselves to the temporarily empty courtside seats, only to move back to their regular seats once the game resumed. They were very smoochy, and the boyfriend proceeded to sit directly on MK during halftime (?), like he was guarding her or something. She wasn't hard to miss—she was the only one sitting when everyone else was cheering.
Other "people" at the game— Steven Spielberg chatting with Haley Joel Osment, Denzel, Sharon Stone, and supposedly Leo DiCaprio, but i didnt see him. And of course, Jack.
· I was trapped in LA flor a week for work and saw the following. Thursday - Steve Bing (Liz Hurely's EX) playing tonsil hockey with a waitress from the Sunset Marquis Whisky Bar Saturday - Dave Navarro dressed in Gucci entering the Equinox firness club on Sunset then moments later Across the street at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf saw John Corbett. Don Johnson (who was really ORANGE) with some young hottie (not his wife) having dinner in Santa Monica Sunday- Pelle (Almquist) and his brother (The Hives) in Piquito Mas on Sunset in full "Hives" outfits. It was 90 degrees- they looked like fools Weds- Fab(rizio Moretti) from the Strokes on United flight #12 from LAX to JFK. He was really nice to all the fans that came up to him - and seemed to travel light (He had a very small carry on bag). He flew business of course.
· I saw Rachel Bilson and Adam Brody from The OC on Friday night around 10pm at the Sharkey's on Cahuenga near Hollywood Blvd. She looked very cute and skinny and had a big head. He was very scruff looking with lots of facial hair. They had their food in a window table and were pretty quiet. Someone said hi to her when she left, she didn't seem to know him and Adam walked ahead like he didn't want to talk to the person. I was wondering why they were at a relative dive like Sharkey's instead of at some trendy cool place, but I guess they gotta eat cheap Mexican just like everyone else!
· i was just at Mo's (voted the best burger place in the valley) and Josh Duhamel from Las Vegas was there with a brunette, not his ex-fiance. they were totally snuggling, and she paid the check. he also didn't open the car door for her, but he look so hot, nothing else mattered.
· Lunching at Orso in walks Larry King meeting his much younger and very blonde wife and a random young guy – couldn’t tell if he was wearing any diapers under his Paper Denim and Cloth jeans – which look so out of place on a man in his 70’s but hey I guess he can do whatever he wants. He also looked very very thin.
Next to his table was Morgan Fairchild dining with a female friend. Morgan was fully done up with her white blonde hair and pale face makeup – she was there for a while – she made eye contact with me several times like she was bored with her lunch date and was seeing what everyone else was doing.
· that 'Trump-with-scissors' Jonathan Antin in the parking lot of a production office bldg in north hollywood (slumming!) and was vainly trying to get the attention of a friend who was driving in massive white SUV - not too successfully, I might add. Neither was Antin, who first shouted "HEY!" like a drill sergeant and when that didn't work, started whistling LOUDLY. He'd be better off doing "Mail Call" for the history channel. What an ass!
· While taking my delusional 13 year old nieces for a "shopping trip" on Rodeo Drive, spotted Jonathan Antin, owner of Jonathan Salon in Beverly Hills and star of the Bravo tv reality show "Blow Out" strolling around on Beverly Hills. I just caught the first episode of this show last night and it seems to be just like "The Restaurant" (complete with obviously scripted situations where American Express Small Business accounts save the day) except this hairdresser guy seems to cry more. Anyway, nieces were unimpressed but he looked very suave in a dark suit and fancy pants glasses which i assume he didn't get from Lenscrafters...his sponsor.
· i was grocery shopping at pavillions in west hollywood and in front of me in line was e!'s gossip columnist ted casablanca. it looked as though ted-babe had just come from the gym. he was wearing a loose scoop necked tank top baggy shorts. he had grey chest hair and under developed calves. he was buying among other things, tins of cat food, a bag of kitty litter and sensodyne toothpaste which i assume is for him, not his cat.