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The Fox marketing department, which has to receive a large share of the credit for DodgeBall's box office victory over The Terminal, is once again on the loose. They've even started advertising I, Robot on their employee's paycheck envelopes. An Employee of the Month blogger notes Fox's savvy grab for the coveted, previously underserved letter carrier demographic:

When Fox starts promoting things on my paycheck though, things have gone too far. What is normally a very happy occurrence (yay! I get to live for 2 more weeks!) has been tainted by an ad emblazoned in red next to the postage mark ("I, Robot in Theatres This Summer!"). Now I know this isn't for me. One of the small perks of working here is seeing this stuff for free. I can only assume then, that this ad was for anyone who might handle my mail. And I'm just wondering, is this an untapped demo I was unaware of?

Frankly, we were a little more comfortable when the lunatics were only sending anthrax through the mail.