A few important — and DEVELOPING!!! — stories that we shall surely hear more about at a later time, like when I'm not rushing off to a pedicure. (Hello, we're way into sandal season! Priorities!)

1. Completely over the top insane NYT piece on Denise Rich, benefit queen and lover to the oft-deposed.
2. Dethroned Page Sixer Ian Spiegelman reportedly pitches scandal story to New York mag.
3. Survey says... take part in the Top Ten Companies For Which To Freelance study.
4. You know how all your Brooklyn friends are like, "I'm moving to Canada if Bush gets re-elected"? They should think twice: meet the Mariah Carey-loving would-be mass murderer of Toronto.
5. The long chain between Spielberg's The Terminal and Toby Young's How to Lose Friends and Alienate People.
6. And of course, all anyone's talking about today is Judge Pumper.