Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Baggage Carousel Special Edition

The following reader report on a brush with Meathead's Erstwhile Bride seems terribly unfair to us. If a celebrity lends the significant weight of her name to a just cause, does that mean she surrenders the right to the prompt claiming of her baggage at the carousel? We think not. For shame, reader.
I know she barely even qualifies as famous anymore, but Sally Struthers was on my flight back from Boston into LAX last night. The only reason why this is semi-interesting is that I was standing close to her at the baggage claim, and all of her luggage tags have her picture on them.
My first thought was that it was actually kind of cool that she was picking up her own bags, then I saw what the bags looked like, and i had to bite my tongue to keep from losing my shit. Good to know that while the kids are starving in Africa, Gloria can plaster her fat head all over her Samsonite.