Please keep in mind that these "answers" to today's Page Six blind items are really more akin to what features editors refer to as "A Measure Of The Zeitgeist" than actual reality. Of course, sometimes the two meet in happy coincidence.

Today, Page Six hinted at an affair-having head producer of a foreign TV network, a plastic-surgeried recently-fired record label head, and a popular TV host who's been having an affair for years, even during his wife's pregnancy...

Results can be summed up with an early reader entry:

1. Who Cares.
2. Who Cares.
3. Gotta go with Matt Lauer.

Points for concision!

In fact, we got nothing on number one — and we didn't hear from anyone at Manhattan's BBC office!

For our recently-deposed record label head, there's a great divergence of opinion, and I quote:
· gotta be ex-Elektra head Sylvia Rhone
· Sylvia Rhone. Who else could it be?
· Sylvia Rhone, former head of Elektra.
· I know : Sylvia Rhone, EX-CEO, Elektra Records
· this item is not blind, it's nearsighted. i don't follow the record biz that closely and i can tell they're talking about Sylvia Rhone.
· Sylvia Rhone, formerly of Elektra?
· Sylvia Rhone??
· Sylvia Rhone
· it's definitely Sylvia Rhone, former chairwoman for Elektra Records.

Well, I'm stumped.

Finally, in the hot action category, it seems that every popular TV guy is schtupping a girl on the side. Some of your thoughts:

· my best guess: tv host: matt lauer. um, according to a friend who works at the today show, it's not even a secret that he's a total tool and has been throughout his whole marriage.
· My guess is Conan O brien. He had a kid fairly recently, which satisfies the pregnancy bit and he s quite the charmer.
· Cheater/ charmer is Matt Lauer.
· I'm going w/Matt Lauer... he seems a little unhappily married for some reason. I get the "straight married guy w/a big house in the burbs but lookin' for some play on the side" vibe from him for some odd reason.
· Matt Lauer? He is a popular television host, who some find charming, and his wife had a baby within the last year. Also, the "after his work day is done" might be hinting that his work day ends at 9:00 am?
· Matt Lauer. His work day is done by noon (or so I'm
assuming) and so he has plenty of time to have a girl on the side.
· The last one is Conan O'Brien. Not very funny, I know.
· Matt Lauer?? He seems to get more cocky and obnoxious as time goes on....despite his continually receding hair line.
· The popular television host cheating on his wife could be Wayne Brady. His wife just had a baby in February 03 and he's won a bunch of Daytime Emmys.
· Conan O'Brien?
· I would guess Jon Stewart, cuz didn't his wife just have a baby?
· How about Bill O'Reilly? His wife had a baby recently.
· Jon Stewart, whose wife (since 2000) is currently expecting. (My first thought was Conan O'Brien, but he hasn't been married long enough to support "several years" of cheating.)
· Matt Lauer?
· Jon Stewart? He's a charmer, and his wife is pregnant.
· Could the answer be John Stewart? One can only dream...
· Third one has to be Jon Stewart (much as I don't want to believe it) - he's the only popular tv host (Daily Show) that I can think of with a wife that's knocked up. Plus I can see him doing the Jerry Seinfeld/Shoshanna Lowenstein thing on the side. Letterman doesn't count - he hasn't married his baby's Mama.
· We're thinking Matt Lauer?
· David Letterman?
· the cheating tv personality has to be larry king!

And ending on an intriguing note:

· Conventional wisdom might suggest Matt Lauer, but notice how they didn't say morning show host? My guess is Billy Bush, whom Page Six hates (they probably threw the charming in there to mask their hate for him).

What did we learn today? That when we see a man on TV, we don't trust him. That's probably a good impulse.