This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

What's on Matt Drudge's mind today? Check out the picture of Spider-Man Drudge selected to dangle over his Drudge Report headline "'SPIDERMAN' OPENS HUGE." Tobey Maguire must not have filled out certain parts of the Spidey costume to suit Drudge's taste, as an older incarnation of the superhero is featured. Also notable is the picture's crotch-eye view, Spider-Man's seeming "that's right, Matty Boy, it's THIS big" gesture...and the gigantic phallic structure rising behind him, disappearing into a looming, tight circle.

Whatever. It's all probably just a coincidence, and that pic was just the first Google Image search result for a totally innocuous query like "I want to fuck Spider-Man." (Click the picture to see a screen capture of the Drudge page.)