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The MPAA's home page posts the press releases announcing Jack Valenti's retirement from his position as the organization's leader and the appointment of former Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman as his successor. We're a tad wary; the guy doesn't look nearly angry enough. And this quote from the release naming Glickman as the new chief isn't reassuring. He just sounds so reasonable.

Valenti praised Glickman as a long time friend, and a demonstrated wise and decisive leader who in his roles as Secretary of Agriculture and as a member of Congress was able in his public career to construct a respectful rapport with both sides of the aisle. He will be a powerful, successful steward of the MPAA.

But then we kept reading.

Valenti also stressed that while Glickman seems like an "apple-pie eating, Knight of Columbus on the outside, just below the surface he's a bubbling cauldron of incredible rage. As a boy, his parents were raped and killed by movie pirates, and his entire political career was carefully crafted so that one day he could exact his bloody revenge. Seventy percent of his torso is covered in tattoos reminding him of his mission, with messages such as "Pirate Killa Number Fucking One" and "A Teenager With An Illegal Reel-to-Reel Copy of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Ate My Mother's Spleen." Danny is the perfect man to make sure the pirate menace does not download the American Dream into a Communist oblivion."

Maybe this guy's going to work out after all.