Recent gossip indicates that hardy members of the B-List are successfully climbing towards the A-List. Frankly, we're shocked that man-friendly towel-boy Fabian Basabe can still get his name in the papers.

· Nicky Hilton in talks for her own reality show? This would bring the Hilton Industrial Complex number of reality shows to a grand total of four. [Gatecrasher]
· Alex von Furstenberg's Southampton house a parodic treadmill of topless modelettes and the swinging lifestyle; scofflaw former "it" boy Fabian Basabe bypasses MacArthur airport for JFK, gets pulled over, cop discovers he has three outstanding driving-related warrants and over 200 tickets. [Elisa L-K]
· Page Six-created "it" girl Anna Anisimova is apparently making time with Irish hottie Eamon Early. [Page Six]