I thought that yesterday's Page Six blind items were a little tricky — evidently y'all thought they were quite obvious.

Naturally, we publish these deranged rumors without any sort of malicious intent — it's merely a measure of the zeitgeist!

Page Six asked: "WHICH socialite's marriage has been on life-support ever since her doctor husband started cheating on her with another M.D. at his hospital?"
You said: By sole dint of being the most famous doctor-laden socialite, many of you came up with this: "Muffie Potter Aston — her hubbie is Dr. Sherrell J. Aston, chairman of the plastic surgeory dept at Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital."
· But some of you went with: "Who cares. Whoever it is will probably be happier w/the alimony payments than with the Doc."
· And, intriguingly: "A friend tells me they are going on social vacay in Europe to try to work it out, but If I were her, I'd still be so pissed off about my horrible, wretched brow lift that I'd be divorcing everyone I could."
· A few other votes came in for Mary Ann Tighe and Karenna Gore. But I tell ya, ya spend every other day with your picture on NY Social Diary with a doctor on your arm and for some reason they associate the blind items with you.

Page Six asked: "WHICH flamboyant designer is suddenly showing up on TV everywhere and getting preferential Hollywood treatment? Seems his boyfriend heads up the TV department at a powerful agency and makes sure he gets booked..."
You said: In order of popularity:
· Isaac Mizrahi [Ed. Note: Who we'll eliminate — he doesn't have a boyfriend. Would someone please marry Isaac Mizrahi?]
· "my guess is richie rich of heatherette. i have been seeing that boy all over the media lately and i can certainly vouch for his flamboyance."
· "Phillip Bloch — Would you call him a designer? He certainly is flamboyant though. It seems like he s on everything these days, especially on those compilation shows on VH1. And he s kind of annoying."
· "Tom Ford's planning to open up his own production company because of his weird ambitions to direct. "
· "Zac Posen is said to be cloyingly self-promoting."
· And then someone coughed up: "Halston s Bradley Bayou and Mark Itkin of the William Morris Agency." Huh! Who knew there were so many flamboyant designers in the world?

Page Six asked: "WHICH pop singer needs a lot of "thinking time?" Whenever the former boybander wants to smoke pot, he tells his entourage to go away because "I have to think" — and he's been thinking a lot..."
You said: Nick Lachey got all of two votes, and the rest of your votes went to Justin Trousersnake. Of course the question really is phrased as: "but what about Cameron D s buddy, Jessica s hubby, or Hilton's squeeze?"
· "well the thinking guy has to be either JC or JT... they're both going all 'urban,' aren't they?"
· "isn't justin timberlake the only 'former boybander' that still has an entourage?"

Page Six asked: "WHICH former NBA star spent a fun few hours being driven back from the Hamptons the other day receiving sexual favors from a stream of strippers employed at a well-known New York jiggle joint?"
You said: Well, sports isn't your specialty. Sure isn't ours either!
· "Could that be anyone who played in the NBA?"
· "Too easy: It's got to be Jayson Williams."
· "Dennis Rodman"
· "Patrick Ewing might be in town (job opening for front office since willis reed left) and he was in that atlanta stripper sex scandal from a few years back. "
· "No brainer: Dennis Rodman. He's been in the Hamptons recently." Ah, well. But haven't we all?