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Today's Rush & Molloy column has more post-mortem on recently-expired screen legend Marlon Brando. The reclusive star was fiercely protective of his privacy, and his surviving friends and family are insuring some questions have only vague answers.

Q: Where will Brando's ashes be scattered?
A: An insider dodges: ""Some will be scattered in certain undisclosed locations internationally," which may include his private Tahitian archipelago.

Q: Who's making out in the will?
A: Brando biographer Peter Manso: "I wouldn't be surprised if he left five wills, made out by five lawyers, in five different countries." But Brando's agent says, "As far as I know, there is one will." Fun fact: Agents often lie. No help here.

Q: How many children did Brando father?
A: There are eight "acknowledged" Brando kids, but an "adviser" says "there will probably be people coming out of the woodwork." An "adviser" comparing possible Brando offspring to termites virtually ensures the final children tally will be in double digits.

Q: Why is there extra security at the Brando estate?
A: The official line is "to keep strangers from coming in," not to repel invading hordes of unacknowledged Brando bastards "clamoring to get into his Mulholland Drive mansion to claim 'keepsakes.'" His people should keep the ashes off-site and well-secured to avoid a possible hostage scenario involving Brando's cremains.

Family gives Brando a last tango in L.A [NY Daily News]