It's a little outside our purview, but we can't resist goofy translations of tabloid coverage of Paris Hilton as she takes on Sweden. Strangely, Paris claims that she wants Nick Carter to propose to her. (Is it Britney envy?)

Our Stockholm Correspondent writes:

If you thought it was quiet about the world of a certain Ms. Hilton you should look no further than to Stockholm, Sweden.

La Hilton is here with Nick Carter for a week of rain and shopping. Swedish tabloids are, of course, following every move and here are some tidbits for you that I've translated from the articles.


The night they arrived they went to a restaurant called East (just happens to be co-owned by a certain Max Martin).

Paris: I want him to propose to me
Nick: Who knows...we've been together for 8 months now

And then just some blah blah blah about beautiful Stockholm.


Here it's confirmed that the couple doesn't stay at the Stockholm Hilton but at the Hotel Rival (owned by Benny Andersson from ABBA).

Paris: I didn't know there was a Hilton here in Stockholm
Paris: I'll be back in Stockholm in August to record my new album


Paris: We decided to buy an apartment here in Stockholm, we really love it here!

Doh! Then they decided to skank up Stockholm a bit by smoking waterpipe (cam phones anyone?) at the not so trendy Beirut Cafe.

Aftonbladet writes:

"He has an unbuttoned shirt and smells of garlic. She's wearing a blue mini and yellow top."

America offers its apologies to the fine people of Sweden.