Our Swedish Correspondent writes in with more disturbing Paris Hilton tabloid travails (and hilarious translation). Paris Hilton, say the tabs, was accosted by a stranger and called a whore in a 7/11! Yes, I know! They have 7/11s in Sweden! That is so wack.

Tabloid Aftonbladet reports:

"Nick Carter and Paris Hilton were attacked by a man at a 7-11 late last night. '- The man acted very threatening and called Paris a whore, says clerk.

By midnight NC and PH were on their way from a cosy dinner. They had bought 5 DVD:s in a store and were planning for a quite evening in their hotel room. The couple stopped by a 7-11 to buy some sandwiches to go with the movies. In the store a man comes up and introduces himself to Nick

- He immediately started talking about Paris, called her a whore and said he didn't like Americans, a witness says.

- She shouted 'Shut up' to him, the man was really rude och annoying.

Nick Carter reacted strongly to the man's acting and started arguing.

- The man then said he was from Yuogslavia and that he didn't like Americans, says the witness and continues:

- Then he started waving his arms and act very threatnening.

Paris Hilton then got scared and threw all the products she had in her hands and ran out to the couple's black Mercedes."

Paris Hilton verf lls [Aftonbladet]