Sightings are provided by readers; send yours to

In this week's issue: Graydon Carter with Sandra Bernhard, Nicky Hilton reading Teen People on Delta, Topher Grace in love, more Sandra, Parker Posey and Ryan Adams go to the movies twice, Andy Dick with hottie, Mia Farrow, Daniel Libeskind, Vincent Gallo at Bar Pitti, Willem Dafoe making out with a lady friend in first class to LA and touching luggage with unwashed post-bathroom hands, Norah Jones, James from Boy Meets Boy, Beyonce and Jay-Z shopping in SoHo, Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele Bundchen shopping in the West Village, and MTV's Ken Ober. (Now you know where he is now, if you were worried.)

· I was walking up West 4th Street and who do I see but the one and only Garydon Carter (I know it's Graydon or something like that but Garydon is funner to say). He was looking dashing in shorts, Canadian bacon legs, cover up, ya hockey puck! He was chatting with whats-his-name Sandra Bernhard and she was saying something along the lines of "Let's get together and do something with with good karma" or some shite like that. The sighting was so bad it was almost good.

· Nicky Hilton on Delta's overnight flight from LAX to JFK the other night. Dressed in a kelly-green warm up suit that puts even the ugliest Juicy Couture ensemble to shame and sporting a bubblegum pink, no doubt limited-edition Louis Vuitton messenger bag, she milled about in the newsstand. She sat down minutes before final boarding was called and read Teen People with someone who could've been a friend, family member, bodyguard or boyfriend. She was pretty much the last person to board the plane for her first-class seat and I can only imagine that intended to combat the multitudes of fans she would have had to fight off with a stick. By which I of course mean that no one else seemed to notice her.
· saw topher grace holding court at tartine, west 4th and west 11th. he was sitting at an outside table with a girl, kind of jappy looking. this was around 3pm today (thursday) and I swear I heard him say, 'ah, it's great to be in love.' then two and 1/2 hours later, I walked by (not stalking, just walking) and he's still sitting outside but now he's flanked by two women - no one famous although one did kind of look like scarlett johansen; can't be sure. but I know for certain that this time as I walked by, I heard him say, 'ha ha, if that gets out, i'll never have sex again.' hmmm, wonder what 'that' is....
· Saw Sandra Bernhard Thursday night on Bank Street in the West Village. She was standing on the corner and appeared to be giving two strangers recommendations for local restaurants. She's much more attractive in person, had a little girl in tow, and was wearing a really feminine white cotton skirt - she looked like an anthropology mannequin!
· parker posy and ryan adams last night watching farenheit 9/11 came in late, super fidgety. his hair was nasty and tousled as usual.
· Saw Parker Posey leaving an afternoon showing of Spiderman 2 on Friday at Union Square. Nice shaggy 'do.
· Running out from the office a little while ago to drop off a UPS package at the nearby Office Depot, which mega-star should I pass but Mr. Andy Dick! walking west on West 40th Street (south side of the street) between Fifth & Sixth Avenues, closer to Fifth. And yes indeed, Mr. Dick looks and sounds as gratingly irritiating as he does on TV! I guess no surprise there. Stature-wise, he's not a shrimp, which, as everyone knows, so many celebrities turn out to be when one actually sees them in the flesh. Mr. Dick was yacking away to a very humpy younger man who wore a somewhat bedraggled air (too many hours of listening to Mr. Dick's nasally squawking?) ... Assistant? Fuck buddy? Surely not a significant other, eh? (Mr. Humpy could do way better than Mr. Dick, I'm sure ...)
· last night (july 7) i went to see ASSASSINS and Mia Farrow was in the audience and I just had to tell someone.
· July 4, corner of Canal and Thompson, who should bounce around the corner that World Trade Center development project architect Daniel Libeskind, presumably returning from that morning's ground breaking. (Just caught a very quick glimpse, but how many spikey-haired, nerdy-glasses-ed German-looking guys wearing all black on a 90 degree day could there be?)
· July 5, Bar Pitti: Vincent Gallo! (Does he count any more?) Thought for sure he was headed to the infinitely more annoying Da Silvano, but no: He was warmly greeted by the staff at Pitti and took a seat outside to wait for his crew, who showed up 15 minutes later, heavily tattooed and sort of grimy-looking.
· My husband first saw li'l Willem Dafoe (he's maybe 5'5") in the members club lounge at Newark where a donut and coffee was hand delivered to him after all the food was cleared. He seemed gracious and thankful and even signed autographs in return. He was in the first class cabin on a flight to L.A. with a young Italian woman (when I asked my husband how young, he just replied "young" which I took to mean younger than Dafoe's handsome yet leathery face.) Anyway, Dafoe made out with the lady — a lot — on the flight to Cali. Upon leaving the plane Dafoe stopped into the bathroom, used the urinal, and ta-da, did not wash his hands. He then proceeded to the baggage carousel where he touched other peoples' luggage with his penis hands. Classy!
· On Saturday afternoon my fiance saw Norah Jones with an unidentified male friend shopping at Surpise! Surprise!, the funky home furnishings store on 3rd Ave. (I think). She looked cute and normal.
· So I had a (very) B (or C)-list celeb sighting at lunch today: James from Boy Meets Boy. I read he's in some off-Broadway show here in the city. I guess he's an "actor" now. He looked really good. Talking on his cell. Two buttons open on the shirt to show off his tan. So not my type. Anyways, I wish he was was his friend Audrey (was that her name?) You know, the ugly blonde chick who helped him choose his Mr. Right. Now that I think about it, I wish he was also with Dani Behr, the Australian host of that show. She's the best!
· On July 3, saw Beyonce and Jay-Z shopping in Detour on W. Broadway in SoHo around 6pm. A crowd gathered outside of the store, very un-NYC-like, to stalk the couple. A friend visiting from DC, wondered if there had been some kind of emergency evacuation up ahead. As we approached, we saw what the commotion was about. Young, old, and other pointed and gawked at the pair. Beyonce wore red stiletto pumps with white pants and I believe there was some blue in there somewhere (very patriotic). Jay-Z was in the requisite hip hop gear. After a bit of browsing through the small store, they came outside to their waiting Maybach replete with a chauffeur (in appropriate sartorial getup by the way) waiting to open the car door. Beyonce paused for an adoring fan to snap her picture with a cell phone camera. As they rode off, they closed the automatic curtains on the back passenger windows, which gave the car a spooky hearse like appeal.
· Spotted on the hot and steamy Monday evening after July 4th: Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele Bundchen getting on their bicycles and heading West towards the Hudson River after looking at the ads in the window of the Citi Habitats realty office on Hudson Street in the West Village. Both were trying to look incognito, but were kind of hard to miss. Coincidentally, my girlfriend and I were also apartment hunting in the West Village all weekend, although I suspect Leo and Gisele will be spending a bit more on rent than we'll be.
· I live in the East Village so I see celebs all the time which is usually boring. But today I saw Ken Ober (of MTV's 80s game show, Remote Control) looking even more poorly middle aged than the fathers I saw at my nephew's suburban Little League game recently. His girlfriend, who was totally young and hot in a recent-transplant from California/yoga instructor in a band type, stopped by the fence at the Tompkins dog run to admire a dog inside (they were each walking big mutts). Not an interesting sighting on its own, but I was just so amazed that someone who was a c-list celeb 20 years ago could still score someone so hot. I just wonder how often the story of how Adam Sandler got his start on that show comes up.