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The newly-appointed Defamer Correspondent On The Phobias Of Seizure-Inducing Blockbuster Directors sends us a little dirt about the new Superman movie in development at Warner Bros. [UPDATE after the jump]:

The project was supposed to start very soon— in the next few weeks or so. The production is going to be in Australia, but director McG doesn't like to fly.

The crew was all set to head down under and McG skipped on the flight, and now refuses to go— setting the whole production back about 3 months, and putting lots of folks on "hiatus" until the movie gets back online (or someone pulls a B.A. Barracus— knock him out and toss his sorry ass on the plane).

It seems that McG puts up a hell of a fight when the studio comes after him with the tranquilizer gun: THR says that's he's out as director, citing a dispute over the film's Australia location. We sincerely hope that his replacement doesn't have an irrational fear of boomerangs or being hassled for loose change by Paul Hogan.

UPDATE: Last night, Movie City News printed a tip about McG's fear of flying.