Trade Round-Up: Fox Adds Reality Channel

· Fox plans reality channel consisting of programming ideas stolen from bite-sized NBC-Universal honcho Jeff Zucker, NBC-Universal plans channel consisting only of Jeff Zucker bitching about Fox. [THR]
· Tony Danza promises new talk show will be great. Um, who's Tony Danza? [THR]
· Paramount considers making the Ten Commandments. This seems to violate Commandment 5 1/2: Thou shalt spend ten seconds thinking of an original idea before making a movie for the third fucking time. [THR]
· The X-Files Chris Carter returns from obscurity to join another supernatural sounding project. Don't go stretching yourself, Chris. [THR]
· David Letterman's Worldwide Pants is on board to produce Amy Sedaris's Strangers With Candy movie. This is the best idea we've seen since some crazy person signed the deal for the Kids in the Hall movie. It's fun when someone spends millions to please fifteen Comedy Central viewers! [Variety,
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· Crash the Highlands and get a glimpse of this year's Project Greenlight premature has-beens, before they get a chance to make a million dollar film that grosses twenty bucks. [Variety,
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