Hollywood PrivacyWatch: The Long-Awaited Return

Hollywood PrivacyWatch sightings are sent in by readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let the famous know that if they didn't want to be noticed, they'd have dinner delivered.
In this enormous episode, Willem Dafoe looking "less insane" (with a bonus, possible Lindsay Lohan drive-by), Angelyne, Jules Asner and Steven Soderbergh eating Mexican in Los Feliz, Elisa Donovan, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore cutely excercising together, Adam Brody and Rachel Bilson, Anthony Kiedis, Mischa Barton, Breckin Meyer, Debi Mazar, Rhea Perlman, Eric Roberts, Brandon from Blow Out, and something called a "Charo."
· yesterday, in the most unlikely of places (the shitty pharmacy attached to the totally 80's Vicente Foods grocery store on San Vicente in Brentwood), I was in line in front of Willem Dafoe for about fifteen minutes while the elderly staff processed orders. He was with some sexy chick (girlfriend? wife?) who was asking him what time his call was the next day. He looked weirdly suburban in a black t-shirt and jeans, much less insane than when I saw him in "to you, the birdie" in Brooklyn three years ago.I would have chatted, but was carrying a huge package of toilet paper and decided against it. Then, outside, a girl who looked very much like Lindsay Lohan drove by in a brand new black Audi with no plates. What's Lindsay driving these days??
· On Friday, I was driving to Los Feliz and saw Los Angeles fixture Angelyne and her Barbie-pink corvette turning into the skankiest gas station ever, around Western and Santa Monica. If only I'd had the forethought to pull in after her to see if she pumped her own gas, or made the Ken-doll-esque man in the passenger seat do it for her.
Later that evening, I was at Mexico City enjoying a margarita the size of my head when I noticed that I was sitting very close to Jules Asner and Steven Soderbergh. She looks much different in person than she does on television: both more naturally pretty and more boring at the same time. She was wearing a very cute Marc Jacobs-y dress, however, and picking at her food. Steven looked bald.
Saturday night, I saw Elisa Donovan [of Clueless and Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, although best known to me as Ginger, Tiffani Amber Thiessen's scheming friend from Buffalo on 90210] at Birds. She looked a little bit overly tan, but was with a very normal and non-actor-y looking group of people.
· Just saw Ashton Kutcher biking on Sunset Blvd. (right by the Virgin Megastore) with Demi Moore. It was relatively early - around 8:15 AM - and they were both wearing matching white helmets.
· happened to see Seth and Summer (Adam Brody and Rachel Bilson) from the OC last weekend at Bristol Farms. Definitely a couple. Holding hands, etc. They looked very bored though....
· Ahhh... malibu colony, 4th of july. Saw anthony kiedis stalking up and down the beach - that was pretty cool. On the other hand, i had to watch mischa barton and her drunk, fat oil heir boyfriend enjoy the surf. that part was like an al qaeda recruitment video.
· Breckin Meyer and two pals playing basketball in a Beverly Hills neighborhood. Breckin looked completely shaggy, with too-long hair and an untrimmed beard that he's perhaps cultivating to avoid anyone recognizing him as the star of "Garfield: The Movie," although the effect is as if he played the titular feline. He's also not much taller than the cat.
· We were having dinner at Cafe Atlantic in Old Pasadena on saturday and we noticed Debi Mazar sitting across from us. She was with her hubby Gabriele Corcos and her daughter...she looked pretty and very involved with her kid, but it looked like she wanted us to notice her as she was leaving, that would have been too nice of us, so we just smiled at her daughter in the stroller. Oh, and no red Kabbalah string in sight!
· was walking on melrose yesterday and i saw rhea perlman (does this count as a celeb sighting?) she was with her daughter, a perfect fusion of danny and rhea. she was so sweet. my friend knew the clerk who was helping her in an indian clothing store, and rhea was slightly amused byt the fact that my friend was squealing in excitement.
· Spotted Eric Roberts @ CPK in Beverly Hills with an older woman with a dark bob hairdo and an 11-ish year old girl with glasses. He too wore glasses, only his seemed to have special powers...chick-repellant glasses. He munched his salad in an un-noteworthy way and acted completely normal.
· Brandon (from Blowout) just walked up to the garage sale next door (on Fountain in West Hollywood). I overheard him say that he was interested in buying the old-fashioned hair-dryer that was for sale, but that he was on his way to the gym (Crunch). The owner promised to hold it for him, and Brandon said he'll get it after working out.
· Walking back from the E! building, where my credit union is located, I bumped into the one and only CHARO. Dressed in pink from head to toe, including hat and feather-filled collar. With a twentysomething Latino stallion on her arm. Kootchie-kootchie! [Ed. note—What's a Charo?]