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We don't want to date ourselves here, but we remember the days when fake celebrity pages were the exclusive province of Friendster. (On the web, any sentence name-checking Friendster might as well end in a story of walking barefoot in the snow to the internet dial-up cafe, uphill both ways.) Now a curious reader submits the supposed MySpace profiles (think Friendster, but louder) of Hollywood lovebirds Jake Gyllenhaal and Kirsten Dunst for evaluation. Because we are cynical and our heart is black, our first reaction, whether we're ruling on the authenticity of jailbait racks or social-networking profiles, is always: Fake. But taking a closer look here, there are enticing candid photos in both profiles, and no over-the-top nonsense in their prose. Maybe those crazy kids are trolling for the third, non-famous part of a three-way? We told you our heart is black.