Trade Round-up: A Long-Awaited Return To Sharon Stone's Crotch?

· Finally, Basic Instinct 2? A sequel whose time has long passed, starring a certified box office killer. Produced by guys who had to be sued into making the damn thing, probably because they realize that a Sharon Stone beaver shot doesn't carry the box-office power of ages yore. They really need a little injection of Lohan, in our humble opinion. [Variety,
sub. req'd.]
· Frances McDormand and Charlize Theron sitting in a tree...the two actresses currently working together on Aeon Flux are looking to pair up again for Class Action, the simply riveting story of the first successfully prosecuted sexual harassment case. A banner day for women's rights, HR seminar-leaders, and the handsy guys in Accounts Payable alike. [THR]
· A Harvard study shows that the MPAA has slowly become increasingly tolerant of swearing, violence, and sex in its rating system. What they have dubbed a "ratings creep" is quickly turning into a full-on invasion, as proven by Lindsay Lohan's exploitative, melon-smuggling omnipresence. [THR]
· Trouble at the TCA's: Are companies buying good reviews? The organization looks to celebrate its 20th anniversary with a souvenir program, paid for by ads purchased by the very networks and studios the group covers. [Variety, sub. req'd]