Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Celebrity Shockers!

Hollywood PrivacyWatch sightings are sent in by readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let Tom Cruise know that to step out in public is to be a target for a catty e-mail about his hair, his height, or his fashion sense.
In today's truly shocking episode: Jennifer Garner SHOPPING FOR HER OWN FOOD, Scarlett Johansson BEING NICE ON AN AIRPLANE, Jay Leno NOT MOWED DOWN BY PASSING MOTORIST, Diana Ross SHOPPING FOR HER OWN FOOD, Kate Bosworth DANCING LIKE A WHITE CHICK, Steven Cojocaru, James Amos, Benji Madden, and in perhaps the least-scintillating sighting ever, Randy Spelling.
· Not sure why Brentwood is such a hotbed for celebrity errand-running these days, but my boyfriend and I just spied Jennifer Garner and a female friend grocery shopping at Whole Foods (Saturday around 6 PM). The entire store was in somewhat of a commotion over her visit - people were literally staring and pointing. She looked very beautiful in casual jeans... but it might seriously be time for a botox intervention. The lips were out of control. No sign of Michael Vartan anywhere. Damn!
· Scarlett Johansson sat across from me on the Virgin Atlantic flight from LAX to Heathrow last Sunday. I honestly didn't recognize her at first although the enormous sunglasses were a tip-off that I should. She kept mostly to herself — it was otherwise a pretty social crowd in our cabin — but was very pleasant. She commented after the paparazzi burst in London that they always seemed to take pictures when she looked her worst, e.g. following a transatlantic flight or suffering from a cold. I thought she looked just fine. The Scarlett I saw was actually nice, lots of "pleases" and "thank yous"
with the flight attendants and chatting amiably with her handler at Heathrow. Go figure, but there it is.
· Passed up a perfect opportunity to run over Jay Leno, doing his asinine "Jay-walking" schtick in front of the Johnny Rockets at Gardner and Melrose. [Ed.note: Say it with us now, "Gas, not brake. Gas, not brake."]
· Spotted Saturday at the Fresh Fare Ralph's on the corner of Doheny & Beverly: Diana Ross, looking like ten miles of bad road in a men's Sean John sweatshirt, cargo pants, flip flops and three feet of hair in every direction. She was carrying her own basket (doesn't she have people to do that?) but I couldn't get close enough to see what she was buying. Hopefully some face cream and hair conditioner.
· On Saturday night, I was at a party in Silverlake at Line Postmyer's house (she's a commercial producer). Nice party, amazing food, DJ, lots and lots of hipsters. Kate Bosworth was there, dressed in capri's, tweedy blazer, heels, hair up. Pretty girl, but man, she can not dance. Not an ounce of rhythm in that little white girl.
· On Sunday evening around 6:30pm, I was sitting in stop and go traffic eastbound on PCH in Malibu and Steven Cojocaru was doing the same in his black convertible Mercedes SL500, blasting big band tunes. (I actually saw him last week at Jessica's nail salon with his Maltese "Stinky", who I assumed was probably sitting in the car next to him yesterday.) It was particularily funny to see Cojo, being the style maven that he is. There must of been some sort of motorcycle gathering for those Fast and the Furious enthusiasts, because there were tons of bikes riding between the two lanes. Well, included in were a couple of ghetto fab type chicks riding behind their men, wearing only a g-strings and we were "treated" to some big bare ass! Everyone driving was cracking up and I thought of Cojo, (who has since fallen behind me, so I couldn't see him anymore) and what his fashion reaction would be.
· Roots' John Amos at Loteria at the farmers market. Had phoned in his order ahead (Loteria knows how to treat VIP's) and speaking in Spanish to the woman at the register
· I saw Benji Madden of Good Charlotte "fame" at Amoeba Music. He was leaving as I was going in. Dude was looking pretty pudgy. He is clearly becomming the Ashley (fat twin) to Joel's Mary-Kate.
· Sitting outside the Briazz on Wilshire we saw Randy Spelling walk by. We got way too excited for his level of "celebrity" but he does share Tori's genes. He looked very casual in khaki cargo pants and a white t-shirt. He was going, we assume, to Spelling Entertainment across the street. [Ed.note—This may be the most C-list sighting in the admittedly brief history of PrivacyWatch,]