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Blogger The Corsair transcribes this Movieline Hollywood Life interview (not available online, apparently) with Christina Applegate, in which she discusses working with Ben Affleck on the upcoming movie Surviving Christmas.

Applegate: He's very silly on set. I just wanted him to be quiet so I could work. There's something specific he did that made me laugh but it would ruin his reputation.

HL: If I gave you a flat-screen tv would you tell me?

Applegate: (Laughs) OK, they were doing an insert shot of a briefcase or something, and Ben just decided to put his "stuff" on the briefcase. He would always do things like that: mooning, sticking his tongue in the director's ear. He's very goofy. I just admire him.

After reading this, perhaps DreamWorks might like to consider a new title for the flick? How about Surviving Ben Affleck's Junk on a Briefcase? We also can't help but wonder where else Ben's "stuff" might have wound up: on the craft service table next to some donuts, barely off-camera during some Applegate close-ups, or dangling in front of a Matt Damon headshot? You really never know where that wacky penis of his is going to end up!