1. Yesterday, in our coverage of the grand opening of Target, we quoted a young woman who expressed a "dirty sick" sadness that the shiny new Target would soon be populated by "Brooklyn trash" who would be "beating their children." Many of you wrote to describe this statement as "racist, elitist bullshit." We prefer to think of it as an expose of what white people really do think. See also: Eddie Murphy's white-face Saturday Night Live bus sketch. Now let us know when you stop beating your children.

2. Earlier this week, we referred to the development of 5000+ housing units downtown, slated for 2004-2005, as a 'shitload.' According to one very insistent and somewhat annoying (though probably very cute) urban planner-type, this should be considered in the context of the massive building of the 50s, 60s, and 80s. Although I concede that particular point, I would also cordially invite the urban planner to consider my ass in context of the 70s and 90s.