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Practically every morning we wake up to a press release regarding Chris Noth, AKA Sex and the City's Mr. Big, and his PR trip for the Israeli Ministry of Tourism. CHRIS NOTH FLOATS IN DEAD SEA!!! MUST INFORM MEDIA!!!

I know some of you were a little worried because you hadn't seen Mr. Big staggering down Second Avenue at midnight or very slowly walking on a treadmill at the Lafayette Crunch with a towel casually thrown over his non-sweating (yet manly) shoulders. Don't be alarmed — he's just off making a few sheckels. Ya take what you can get when your series goes off the air.

The best part of the press releases is the tag line: "Israel — No one belongs here more than you." Is that a threat or a promise?

For Immediate Release
Ronn Torossian / Neil Steinberg


New York - July 26- "Sex and the City" star, actor Chris Noth spent a relaxing moment in Israel's famed Dead Sea. The actor enjoyed a break in his 10 day visit to Israel with a therapeutic dip in the sea, which commonly known as the "largest and oldest natural spa" in the world, due to the 21 minerals that are found in the sea and its treasured black mud which is known to relieve ailments from psoriasis to hypertension.

Chris Noth catching up on the news while floating in Israel's famed Dead Sea
(Photo courtesy of Sasson Tiram)

The actor is currently in Israel on a 10 day trip, making this his first visit to the Holy Land. He hopes that his trip will help encourage others to visit Israel as well. "If because of whatever celebrity status I have, my visit means something a little bit more, I'm happy to let [the public] know everyone should come here," said Noth.

Because of a stronger economy, and a secure tourism infrastructure, the year has gotten off to a fast start for the Israeli tourism industry. Through June of this year, The Israel Ministry of Tourism has seen a staggering 66% increase over last year's figures during the same time period, with 673,900 tourists. Because of these promising numbers, the Israel Ministry of Tourism expects to meet its 2004 goals of 1.3 million tourist entries.

For more information contact Ronn Torossian at 212-999-5585, or via email, at

This release is a service of the Israel Ministry of Tourism.
To know everything there is to know about all aspects of travel to Israel, visit: or call 1-888-77-Israel.
This material is distributed by 5W Public Relations on behalf of the Israel Ministry of Tourism. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, DC [Ed Note: The Department of Justice? Wha? Huh?]