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A Comic-Con nerd of a somewhat lesser degree steps back from the helmeted, plastic lightsaber-clutching crowd and takes a brief accounting of the chaos unfolding as the title of the last Star Wars movie is announced:

I was there at that panel when they announced the new Star Wars name. It was done with this huge, extravagant video presentation, and at the conclusion the guy running the panel ripped off his baseball jersey to reveal a crappy t-shirt that had the title (Revenge of the Sith) on it. He calmly announced that the shirts would go on sale in five minutes down at the other end of the convention. And hundreds of fanboys literally stampeded out of there to buy a shirt. Shoving, scrambling over each other to get there in time. It was hilarious! BTW, all the cool nerds are now wearing Jango Fett costumes. Boba Fett is so over.

[Ed.note—This is by no means an invitation to write in to debate the merits of various Star Wars costumes. They're all the equivalent of blue polyester shirts and Spock ears to us.]