For years, the myth has been passed about that former Sophia-Coppola-lover and director Spike Jonze (Adaptation, Being John Malkovich) is "the heir to the Spiegel catalogue fortune." Filmmaker Greg Allen rips apart the "Adam Spiegel" legend today:

If you're an "All the research I need comes from Entertainment Weekly" journalist looking for a meaningless tidbit for yet another piece on Spike, why not try something more interesting than "heir to the Spiegel catalog fortune"? How about "abandoned by parents and raised in a skateboard shop"? Or, if you are some genetic determinist, how about "Spike Jonze, son of the guy who replaced rent control with rent stabilization" or "Spike Jonze, whose great grandfather didn't invest in Gone With The Wind?" At least that one's got something to do with films.

Spike Jonze, scion of my BUTT [Greg Allen]