Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Whoever's Not At The DNC Edition

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com, and let John Tesh know that you're not particularly a fan of his New Age synthesizer music or taste in sensible, wrinkle-proof slacks.
In today's DNC-hamstrung edition: Sharon Stone being stared at in LAX, Gene Wilder at the Grove, Ryan Seacrest in WeHo looking "gelled," Redman minus Method in his Beemer, Jenny McCarthy in bootcamp, John Tesh, and a special former sitcom star section featuring Fred Savage, Michael "Family Ties dad" Gross, Jaleel "Urkel" White, and Ted "Veteran Show Killer" McGinley.
We never thought we'd say this, but we can't wait for all of the famous people to get back from Boston.
· Tuesday, 6:30 a.m., LAX, Sharon Stone is 3 people in front of me at security line and checkpoint. EVERYONE was looking at her, which was strange, I mean, it is LAX and all. But whatever. She's rather slight. One of those 'oh, they're so tiny in real life' kinds. Was with another woman and a man, very low key. As I passed through there was a pilot and flight attendant walking in front of me and talking about her and the pilot said, "it just goes to show the lack of commonality. I mean, she was standing THIS CLOSE to me." I wonder what he meant?
· While guiltily looking over my shoulder at the Grove to make sure no one I know saw me coming out of "I, Robot", I spotted Gene Wilder leaving the cinema at the Grove in a wheelchair. He was wearing some kind of odd rasta-type Venice Beach knit cap that you wear in a drum circle, so I wasn't sure it was him until I kept hearing people whispering his name and pointing. I didn't want to gawk (for once), but I did notice two very young and pretty girls pushing him around.
· Spotted Ryan Seacrest walking down Santa Monica in West Hollywood, looking more "metrosexual" than usual, leading my friend to think there's no question that he's gay. Shorts, t-shirt, hair gelled just so, mirrored shades, carrying what looked to be a cup from the Coffee Bean.
· Yesterday I saw Redman driving in a BMW convertible with a red straw hanging out of his mouth on 3rd near the Beverly Center. Me and my carpool friend honked and said hi while we drove off, but we didn't catch his reaction.
· Jenny McCarthy was at Barry's Bootcamp, and looked so non-descript and blend-inny that I didn't even realize it was her until her sister — who was on the treadmill next to us — said so. Hair in a pony tail, wearing sweats and a t-shirt, she kicked some serious ass in that class.
· Saw John Tesh at the Sherman Oaks Galleria movie theater. He was waiting in line for popcorn, wearing what looked to be Dockers and a baby blue button-down shirt. I kind of wanted to punch him in the mouth for unleashing his music on the masses.
· I was at the Ivy last night for an early dinner while talking to L.A. Conde Nasties when we see the singer Vitamin C sit down with two other guys. What was her show again?? They were drinking and did not order much. We then look over at the table next to us and see Larry king in his usual suspenders with a really really old couple, I was tempted to ask him what he thought of martha stewarts huge ears.
Special former sitcom star section!
· Went to lunch at Kabuki at the new Sunset & Vine. I was enjoying my half-price sushi (dine-in only, fellow assistants) and saw Fred Savage. Though he wasn't making out with Winnie Cooper, he did remark to his Production Company-looking associates on his way out that he just ate like a king for
$20. That's a shitload of half-price sushi. $40 worth if my math is correct.
· I thought he was dead, but I guess not, unless he has an evil twin. Saw Michael Gross — the dad from Family Ties — in Santa Monica on Main Street admiring his shiny black Jaguar, so much so that I almost suggested he just give it up, get a room, and give the damn thing a rogering up the tailpipe. He had on glasses, a sport coat and jeans. The 80s really are back.
· Jaleel White was at Bliss on Friday night, hanging with a group of guys, just chilling. Couldn't see what he was drinking, but he was wearing a white button-down shirt unbuttoned just a wee bit too much, but if you were Urkel you'd do everything to kill that memory, too.
· Show killer Ted McGinley at the Sears auto shop in Santa Monica, wearing an Old Navy t-shirt and buying new rims for his 2000 Mercedes 500 series.