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MGM is hosting an "interactive screenings" of historic cinematic failure Showgirls at the Vista theater in Los Feliz tonight to celebrate the release of a DVD "V.I.P. Special Edition" of the movie. The strategy: "Buy our enormous piece of shit, now rendered appealing because we're finally in on the joke." Masochist screening attendees will receive a "goodie bag" of props (such as fake c-notes) to hurl at the screen to mark moments of forced, ironic enjoyment of the horrid spectacle. (BYO human scat for maximum fun!) Before you shake your head and say, "It's wasn't that bad," remember this: The movie committed the twin sins of desensitizing us to exposed breasts and rendering fucking in a swimming pool unsexy and ridiculous.

That being said, we may just show up. It's free, we're poor, and planning on being drunk anyway.