Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special: "My First Seth Cohen Sighting"

We know what we said about Adam Brody and Rachel Bilson sightings, and no, The OC darlings are not currently fucking on our gazeebo. But when someone writes in to tell us all about the breaking of their Seth Cohen-spotting cherry, we can't in good conscience pass up the opportunity to share the touching tale with the world.
Dammit, Seth and Summer have been sighted everywhere! My sister saw them at Canter's, my friend saw them at the Death Cab For Cutie show. It was inevitable that I, too, would see Seth Cohen in the flesh. I knew my day would come.
Last night after work I scooted off to my car in the work parking lot that doubles as a public parking lot in the middle of Hollywood. My pal and I were lingering for a moment when a couple of fellows walked towards us in the parking lot. I'm sorry to admit it, but I was taking a longer look at the scrawny indie kid wearing big sunglasses when I realized I was staring into the perfect cute-but-not-too-threatening-so-he-can-play-a-geek-on-tv-mug of Adam Brody. I tried not to let my grin spread as I realized I was having my very first Seth Cohen sighting (unencumbered by a co-Summer sighting!). His bro asked him what he was doing next and he replied "I gotta go to work." Perfect! He got into his shiny black Mercedes, immediately got on the cell phone, and zoomed off (and it appears he didn't have to pay for his parking...)
And just because someone saw Adam without Rachel this one time doesn't mean you should let your guard up—the couple just might be getting it on in the janitorial closet of your favorite indie rock club.