Short Ends: Demi And Ashton Are More Kabbalah Than You

—"Yeah, you heard me right, Britney. My mothafuckin' wedding is more Kabbalah than your mothafuckin' wedding. I'm taking this shit to Is-ra-el." [Ed. note—We did see that Target is selling the magical red string bracelets. See yesterday's Kabbalirifc post.]
—Four minutes that will win more converts than all of Fahrenheit 9/11.[via Rooftop Report]
—If no one's ever been convicted by a news headline, this guy might be the first.
—Wonkette's DNC coverage is on MTV's Direct Effect. We're pretty sure she doesn't know what show she's on, but watch anyway.
—And, naturally, The Smoking Gun has Anthony Anderson's (see above) mug shot.