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Blogger Anonymous Outsider decodes Adrien Brody's coffee-fueled, "Java Jitters" in a rambling interview in today's London Independent promoting The Village:

Hey Brody, the next time it's a quarter to ten in the AM, and you have an interview in fifteen minutes, and you and your gaggle of trophy-bo — I mean, girlfriends are just tapping into the second eight-ball of the night, either a) take a xanax and show up a few minutes late when your nerves have settled or b) call it in; you're a big Hollywood star, man. Your route: taking a package downstairs with you to get you through the interview — as you have recently discovered — does not work that well. Oh well, live and learn. On a side note, can you imagine how much blow can be huffed up that toucan's beak of his?

Skipping the Starbucks and going straight to the raw sugar seems like a nice strategy to us—doing an interview coked to the gills is the new not showing up for an interview.