· Vincent Gallo has erected (heh) a giant billboard over Los Angeles' Sunset Boulevard. The image: Chloe Sevigny going down on the director in his upcoming film, "Brown Bunny." The citizens of the West Coast continue to suffer for our sins. [NYDN]
· Samantha Ronson, professional hanger-on, pseudo-DJ, and sister of real-DJ Charlotte Ronson, will fight Bloomberg's anti-ice cream truck campaign by driving one herself to promote Charlotte's new clothing line. Question: Why Ronsons? Why? How do they happen? Where do they grow? [Page Six]
· Bill Clinton has reportedly been offered a guest host spot on "Saturday Night Live." The former prez hasn't made a decision yet, but cigar-oriented insurance riders are being composed this very moment. [AP]
· Are "Garden State" stars Zach Braff and Natalie Portman more than friends? The two have been canoodling all over town. Delightful publicist denials forthcoming! [NYDN]