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Has anyone seen the new billboard for The Brown Bunny on Sunset by the Chateau Marmont? You know, the one where Chloe Sevigny is fellating Vincent Gallo? Rush & Molloy have an item on the new ad, which is trying to sell tickets by screaming "Hey! Look! I got someone to blow me on camera! Aren't 'art' films great?"

We thought it would take at least six months to top the Jenna Jameson billboard, but Gallo's pulled it off before Labor Day. We'll post any street level photos that readers send in. Just don't look directly at it—we expect your eyes will bleed and you'll be rendered impotent/barren at the site of Gallo's self-congratulatory monument. Actually, we can't guarantee looking at any picture of Big Vince won't have the same effect.