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Oh yeah: we've been all atwitter over Paris Hilton's busted face and bruises today — which, by the way, look like cuff bruises from restraints around the upper arms to us. Err, not that we've ever been tied up and smacked around before. And never for a photo shoot. Whoops.

But once again we forgot the real news! Terror! Be terrified! Someone's going to blow up something — and some day, they'll get specific about it. Right now, for all we can tell, they're gonna blow up our least favorite building in Long Island City. Or our ATM, or something. Speaking as a CitiGroup stockholder, I'm not sure I care. I'd probably get a better return on my investment if Al Qaeda went public.
What Citi Building? [MemeFirst]
Related: Financial Workers Defiant Despite Threat [AP]
Detailed background blah EXCLUSIVE!!! blah blah [DRUDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!]
Terror Alert Update: Quick, to Sandy Weill's Bunker! [Curbed]