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It's all suddenly rainbows and kitty-cats for America's favorite bobble-headed cocarexic, Mary-Kate Olsen. Tabloids Star and National Enquirer are backing off their stories claiming M-K was in rehab for cocaine, not anorexia. Not because she wasn't in rehab for cocaine, mind you, but because she wasn't not in rehab for cocaine and anorexia.

Says the Olsen spokesman, "Our lawyers came into an agreement with their lawyers," which has gotta be one of the single weirdest things I've ever heard a celebrity front-man say to Page Six.

Surely creating a rupture in the current state of gossip good-will, Page Six charges that the Olsen camp merely had to provide a shiny new photo of the freshly-fed, unaddled Mary-Kate with her (fat) sister Ashley for the cover of Star for some coke-free press. Retaliation expected.
Tabs Drop Coke Story [NYP]