Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Vince Vaughn's Not That Puffy, Is He?

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer and tell you-know-who that he could probably stand to hit the gym once in a while—and when he does, you'll tell us all about it.
In today's episode, Vince Vaughn and his head in a convertible,Chad Lowe and Hilary Swank at breakfast, the Rev. Al Sharpton waiting for his luggage, Andy Richter bolting the Coffee Bean, Nicole Richie, Andy Dick, more Andy Dick, Jack Osbourne, Tia Carerra, Sara Gilbert, and Tommy Chong.
· I saw Vince "Puffy" Vaughn talking on a cell phone while driving an electric blue Pontiac convertible (yes, I said Pontiac!) heading north on Avenue of the Stars the other day. Sadly, he looks just as bloated in person as he does on the big screen. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. A blond chick was in the passenger seat. She looked more like a personal assistant than a girlfriend type.
· Saw Chad Lowe and Hilary Swank (who?) leaving Doughboy's after having a late breakfast (or was it an early lunch?). Chad seemed very nice, even smiled warmly at us as he walked by. Hilary was dressed down and make-up less but still looked quite pretty. They looked good together.
· Anyways, I was picking up the girlfriend @ LAX 1am last night as she flew in from JFK when she ran off to catch her bag I noticed that she finally did so right next to the Rev. Al Sharpton. Al was sans entourage (as far as I could tell), not talking to anyone, just hanging out waiting for his bag(s). A DC refugee who fled after the 2000 coup (but with strong political ties), I went up and shook Al's hand thanking him for an inspiring speech (I know: a huge LA faux pas, but not necessarily in the world of politics).
· Coming out of the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in Los Feliz this morning around 9AM, I almost ran smack into Andy Richter as he ran out the door like he just robbed the place. Dude, slow down! Some of us actually have jobs to get to, and we don't need you clogging things up.
· Took the day off to see the closing weekend of the Minimalist show at MOCA with my sister who flew in from New York for it. Decided to cap the afternoon with a late lunch at the Chateau. As we were leaving, Nicole Richie pulled up at the valet with that scrawny wannabe DJ boyfriend of hers. Who's trying so hard to be Adrock circa '84. He was driving a brand new BMW 741i on 22" chrome rims, which I assumed to be hers. She was riding shotgun. She looked plain, skinny fat and unbruised (the LA news this morning is reporting a "girl" beat up Paris, not Nick Carter, so this seems important to note).
· Saw Andy Dick at The Whaler in Venice Sunday night. He was hanging with two dudes getting his drink on while a handful of cuties were desperately trying to get his attention. He ignored them. He must still be bumping uglies with that chick from his reality show.
And more Andy:
· Spotted Andy Dick at the Fetish Ball at the Hollywood Athletic Club on Friday. Fortunately for all of us, Andy was not decked out in bondage gear. If anything, he and the two guys he was with looked a little college-y and were definitely ball-gag free. Dick chatted with fetish photographer Barry Underhill for a while before disappearing into the VIP area with his friends.
· I was enjoying a late dinner at LuLu's in West LA, when Jack Osbourne of "The Osbournes" fame strode into the restaurant with a posse of three disheveled, jobless looking guys. He was sporting a pimply, unshaven look and a faux-hawk without his signature black rimmed glasses. The four ate at the booth next to me and then left leaving a couple of uneaten fries.
· This weekend at brunch I spotted Tia Carrera in 2004's pashmina, that tired ass gauzy see-through shawl that everyone's wearing. I didn't get a good look at what she was eating (but she was dining with a kind of handsome boring guy in his late 30's) or whether or not she was chewing with her mouth open or closed, because when you walk into Hugo's with 3 gay men, two of them will insist on facing her table so they can bitch about her highlighted hair and clothing while the other one will bitch about only being able to see the birthday party in front of us and crane his neck around like a young Linda Blair every thirty seconds.
· Sara Gilbert was at a showing of "What The Bleep Do We Know?" at the Beverly Center last night. She was wearing a white t-shirt and white cargo pants with white tennis shoes. must be getting it all out of her system before labor day. She was embroiled in deep conversation with her two male counterparts as they exited the theatre. Wo knew Darlene was so into quantum physics?
Tommy Chong was enjoying his freedom with some jazz at a Yellowjackets show at Catalina Bar & Grill in Hollywood, Sunday night, August 1st. He was at a large table with his wife, son and several friends, and seemed to be friends with the band. He looked great, and was having a blast while the band was playing.