Short Ends: Ebert and Gallo Kiss And Make Up

—Perhaps inspired by a certain breathtaking billboard depicting a certain sexual act, Roger Ebert and Vincent Gallo have buried the hatchet over The Brown Bunny.
—Two Page Six items updating running Defamer items: 1) Colin Farrell's cock probably isn't big enough to cause any heart attacks and 2) American Media rags Star and Enquirer succumb to lawyer and publicist evil, and stop pushing "Mary-Kate was rehabbing for coke" story.
—It is not OK to laugh: Girl testifies Disney's Tigger molested her. After yesterday's Neverland Ranch accident, is nowhere safe for American's children?
—Separated at birth: Twist-obsessed fauxteur M. Night Shyamalan and Queer Eye's useless Jai Rodriguez? We think Night kind of looks more like Mr. Bean, but that's just us.
—It's amazing when someone shows even less restraint than we do, but here you go.
—And: Britney tries to buy off the step-kids. There, that should fix everything and the children will certainly grow up well-adjusted.