Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Dispatch From Prague, Starring Elijah Wood

A reader "studying" in Prague saw our posts on Elijah Wood's exploits in the city (where he's shooting Everything Is Illuminated) and sends in this update on the delightfully petite actor's hijinks in Czech pubs:
I'm studying in Prague for the summer with the rest of the college-aged Modest Mouse fans in America, and when I heard Elijah Wood was here I knew it was only a matter of time until he showed up at my favorite bar, Nebe (that's "heaven" in Czech, which is the precise word for any place that serves 2 liter Long Islands).
Well, so a couple nights ago my pals and I rolled into the converted-Czech-metro-station-tunnel, religious-paintings-on-the-walls, early-mid-90s-rock-music-playing bar for the fake Bruce Willis Appreciation Event. Elijah Wood, on the other hand, was completely real. Completely really tiny. Now I've lived in L.A./read PrivacyWatch long enough to know that all celebrities are actually disappointingly gnome-like in reality, but absolutely noone matches Elijah Wood for bitesizedness. He was sitting wedged into a corner of a couch, sipping a mojito, rolling cigarettes proportionately appropriate to his gymnast-like compactness, and wearing strategically ripped jeans and a t-shirt that read "Delicious Vinyl," so as to let the world know, I guess, that Frodo doesn't fuck around when it comes to audio quality. To his left were a couple of stoners, one almost disturbingly Peter Jackson-like (*weird*), and a suburban hippie-style girl, probably from UVM or something, chatting him up and showing him her digital photos of the Charles Bridge and shit like that (I did notice them lingering on a shot from the Sex Machines Museum, which if you're in Prague is well worth the 250 korun, IMO). The girl and EW were also alternately flashing around a copy of Cool Hand Luke, the novel, as if that sort of thing will buy you cred in a Czech bar. Also seen about was Everything Is Illuminated writer/director Liev Schreiber, whose life-sizeness must account for his lesser celebrity. Around 4 a.m. my pal invited Elijah Wood back to our dorm to smoke some "dank buds" as they say in the Czech Republic, but EW declined, saying he "[wasn't] really into that," and left with the hippie girl, presumably to blow coke off her ass/rail her awkwardly in the mission position to The Moon & Antarctica. I was just disappointed that there was no Bruce Willis lookalike contest; I think Liev Schreiber could've been a lock.