While the Village Voice continues to scrape itself down to a staff of, like, four people — you know, which isn't really a bad thing, it's just kind of sad — others are wondering why Voice nightlife columnist Tricia Romano is still getting paid:

So, while they're busy "restructuring" (read firing longtime editors) over at the Village Voice, I have a great suggestion. Get rid of Tricia Romano. Fuck Tricia Romano and the horse she rode in on. I am so sick of her jaded, pretentious, snide attitude and her irritating column "Fly Life". A few weeks ago, while commenting on The Siren Festival, she wrote, "Among the old and jaded backstage was YEAH YEAH YEAHS' manager-babysitter ASIF AHMED, who announced brightly that he was moving to L.A. to join KAREN O. I asked him why and he said, "I hate New York." "Me too!" We high-fived."

Well, Tricia, it looks like New York pretty much hates you back.
Tricia Romano Must Be Burned In Effigy [ProductShopNYC]
Related: Tricia Romano Hates New York [Gawker]