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Vincent Gallo was everywhere today, explaining his decision to have his extremely artistic, cinematically-necessary beezer blown up to 60 feet tall to loom over motorists on Sunset Boulevard like some sort of sodomized gargoyle. This time he abandons the strange "truth in advertising" line he fed the NYT and instead appeals to Angelenos' insecurity about their "sophistication" in the LAT:

The billboard was designed for sophisticated people who'd understand the aesthetic, the fact that there's subtext and complexity. I guess I forgot about your everyday person — the old man in a Mercedes a friend of mine saw put his hand over his mouth and mime, 'Oh, my God!'

Yes, indeed, there's a great deal of "subtext and complexity" at play here: You see, Chloe Sevigny is not actually Gallo's girlfriend, and yet he somehow talked her into fellating him with a camera rolling. And since not many people will wind up seeing The Brown Bunny, the billboard was the most efficient way for him to high-five the part of the world that's not into the "sophisticated" part of the blowjob.