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We heard a rumor that Bryan Singer, whose Bad Hat Harry Productions is was on a two-year overall deal at Fox, got an unceremonious heave-ho from the Fox lot once the trades announced he'd signed on to do the new Superman for Warner Brothers. Indeed, we indulged in something akin to "reporting" (i.e. picked up a phone) and called Fox looking for Bad Hat Harry's offices, which became mysteriously unreachable. (Yes, we know that studio switchboard operators are not the most reliable of workers, so we tried more than once.)

A little (read: a little) more digging uncovered that Singer's relocated to the Warner Bros. lot, where he's also set up to eventually do Logan's Run after Superman. As far as we can tell, Singer's eviction from Fox didn't have any of that great, cinematic, two-burly-dudes-launching-him-out-of-swinging-saloon-doors quality, since Fox is still hopeful to keep him directing X3 sometime next year. Anything harder than a wrist-slap would have left them no choice but to beg Buffy's Joss Whedon to take over the movie, and who would want that? Directors are fragile creatures that don't take kindly to rough-housing, at least at the office.