Short Ends: Burn Down Your Office And Enjoy The Weekend; Also, CZJ's Baby Clothes

—Sure. this court document is old, but it's been making the rounds again. And we find it's very difficult to get bored of a story about Jack Nicholson refusing to pay a hooker.
—Paris Hilton's mystery bruises disappear mysteriously at Wed. night's T-Mobile party. Is this the power of make-up or mutant celebutante healing powers at work?
—Extreme Celebrity Narcissism Watch: Catherine Zeta Jones dresses her baby in her old clothes, apparently trying to clone herself. They'd dress the kid in Michael's hand-me-downs, but they were making clothes out of wood back then, and that tends to chafe infant skin.
—Colin Farrell probably wants nothing to do with Angelina Jolie so soon after Val Kilmer's been there.
—And we want to take a second to give LAist editor Tom Berman a chest-bump, a high-five, or whatever is the preferred gesture for saying goodbye. He's off to pursue "an opportunity in the political realm." We just hope they dust the guy for fingerprints once the pols have their way with him so the appropriate parties can be dealt with after the fact.