Short Ends: Jake And Kirsten's Exhibitionist (Yawn) Streaks

—Despite a shared interest in public, somewhat risqué sex, Jake Gyllenhaal and Kirsten Dunst just couldn't work it out. There's no mention of the Mile High Club, so maybe they should give that a whirl before really calling it quits. There's nothing like copulating near a stainless steel toilet to rejuvenate a flailing relationship.
—Low Culture has its eye on a puzzling. emerging connection between actor/director Peter Berg and a certain cinematic typeface.
—Fay Wray, legendary King Kong hostage, dies at 96. Clearly, she was asking for it. (Death. She was very old.)
—Gawker alumna Elizabeth Spiers gets fired from The Apprentice tryouts. Trump wouldn't have know what to do with her.
—Don't sit too close to a frustrated writer in a coffee shop (this does severely limit your seating options in LA, but you were warned), especially if that writer has a camphone and a blog. [via la.comfidential]