Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Owen Wilson And His Famous Nose

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let Hollywood's famous know that the guy at the next table with his hand down his pants is going to e-mail Defamer once he's done with his business.
In today's episode: Owen Wilson's nose looks smaller in person, Sylvester Stallone and that annoying Rocky theme at Chavez Ravine, Lucy Liu at the Chateau Marmont, an unidentified Olsen Twin (come on, you had a 50/50 chance!) at Urth, Rodney Bingenheimer, Adam Brody, and Rachel Bilson intersecting at Canter's, Dominic Monaghan, Mischa Barton, Johnny Knoxville, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and reality TV's favorite hair-snipper, Jonathan Antin.
· My friends are too nerdy, my life too school-centric, and my bedtime too early really to experience any major star
moments. But as I was leaving the new Wasteland on Fourth Street in Santa Monica, I caught the unmistakable profile of Owen Wilson. I didn't gawk, but he appeared reasonably attractive. His wonky schnozzola did not dominate his face as it seems to do on the screen. I wanted to ask him if his brother would go on a date with me. He was with a roomy (i.e., plus-sized) man with salt and pepper curls and a beard — probably not a secret gay lover unless OW is seriously into bears.
· We were at the Dodger game last night and the Jumbotron spots Sylvester Stallone and three girls. The crowd starts cheering "Rocky!" and he pumps his arms in the air. So my brother and his friend are leaving after the game and what do ya know.. Rocky starts walking toward them... My brother holds out his hand to shake (the 5' 9" ish) Stallone's hand and gets the brush off.. SO.. my irreverent sibling says "ALRIIIIIIIGHHT GUY" and smacks him on the back - L O U D. The people around bust out laughing and Slight Stallone tries to get out of the stadium. Nico (brother) added that he forgot to check if Slight was wearing lifts... damn.
· I saw Lucy Liu in the living room at the Chateau Marmont Saturday before last. She caught me looking at her and she smiled, so I smiled back — that's a breath of fresh air from the usual stink-eye one gets from making eye contact with a celeb. She was meeting with a bald agent/producer type. Lucy is even prettier in person.
· I saw an Olsen Twin at Urth in Bev. Hills...I don't know which one it was—it was the blonde one, with a friend. They were waiting for drinks, and then left. She was skinny and sooo short, looked like she was 8.
· On Tuesday after spending time with Vincent Gallo's billboard my boyfriend and I figured we'd head on over to Canter's for dinner. Seated across from us was Rodney Bingenheimer (Mayor of the Sunset Strip, KROQ) looking as if he wished someone would recognize him, and when he realized no one would he finished his dinner and lemonade and tipped the waitress a measly $1. Luckily the night was brightened when Seth from the O.C. walked down the stairs from the
bathroom to meet him real life/tv girlfriend Summer (Rachel Bilson) who was waiting in line. Seth (Adam Brody) is even hotter and thinner in person while Summer looked as if she fell short of 5 feet. I love short girls, but not when they're wearing green parachute pants with metallic ballet slippers. Very we don't want you to recognize us, but we're still going to one of the most popular restaruants in LA where hipsters line the sidewalk simply to walk into the bar.
· I saw Dominic "VH1's new favorite son" Monaghan at the Alanis Morrisette show at the Greek on Thursday night looking gaunt and spiky-haired. He was leaving the main snack-bar area with a beer in each hand and had the same "deer in the headlights" look that Kevin Smith had when I ran into him at the new WeHoGateway Starbucks a few weeks back.
· Friday night: should have stayed home and killed myself over and over again .Instead, went to Koi at about 10:30. Restaurant has two (!) bouncers connected to each other by headset. We stealth-like glanced at the list and chose a classy-looking name. After being told that party of 4 had arrived at 6:30 for their reservation, we bluffed our way in anyway, assuring metrosexual bouncer #2 (after he told us this was a restaurant, not a night club) that we would chastise our host for not making correct reservations. Sipping drinks at said restaurant (not nightclub) Mischa—looking cocaine-not-anorexic-skinny—Barton asked me to excuse myself so she could get by. Brandon was trailing her around looking all spiky-haired and wearing a silver vinyl jacket that he must have found in NASA's surplus space blanket inventory. No fighting, crying or bra for Mischa. She was pissed their table wasn't ready and she and Brandon sat on an outside ledge behind some bamboo plants until they were seated. For being so skinny, she has a huge ass which was plopped into some boring jeans. She was, however, wearing some goofy belt around her ass instead of her waist.
· I was having brunch with two friends at Hollywood's 101 Coffee Shop. We sat at the first booth against the wall and straight ahead from us, at the counter seat nearest to the cash register was Johnny Knoxville. He was wearing a black (or red) tee, his signature aviator peepers and a belt that actually said "Knoxville" on it. He was with an unknown friend (at least to us, but he definitely wasn't one of the Jackass guys).
· Lucky Strike/Hollywood & Highland tonight - Jennifer Love Hewitt in a little backless top (Note to JLH: Eat a burger now and then, or at least some fries. Seriously.) and jeans, bowling. Well, not so much bowling as hanging out with her friends who were bowling, but whatever.
· Last Thursday night at Newsroom, that smarmy Jonathan Antin from that Bravo hair salon reality show comes in with an attractive woman. As he makes his way to the corner table on the patio he looks at everyone seated around him. They seat him at an end table with the woman he's with... but since he is seated with his back facing everyone else on the patio, he turns his chair at his table for two in such a way that he's sitting next to (instead of across from) the woman so that EVERYONE can admire him. Why else would he have turned his chair? The table was already too small to accomodate him and his ego. He also smokes like a chimney. Ick.