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Women's Wear Daily makes the New York Post explain yesterday's Page Six item about the mysterious, same-sex member of Tom Cruise's entourage at the Collateral premiere in Harlem, and wonders if Cruise is now a sitting duck for gossip columnists now that publicist Pat Kingsley is no longer patrolling his borders with a nightstick and a can of mace:

“It is not the policy of Page Six to out anybody,” said Howard Rubenstein, the paper’s spokesman. A prominent gossip reporter challenged that claim, noting the paper’s frequent use of intentionally unambiguous blind items.

In case you’re wondering about the identity of Cruise’s fellow moviegoer, [Cruise sister/Scientology-approved publicist Lee Anne] ]DeVette told WWD it was “somebody who works with Tom on philanthropic endeavors. I hate to burst their bubble, but there is no secret there.”

Can we all be clear on this? Tom Cruise loves to fuck women so much that he just might explode into a heterosexual flurry of litigation at any moment, and there's nothing that Page Six and their blind items can do about it. What's so hard to understand about that?