Short Ends: Naomi Campbell, Professional Bitchslapper

—Supermodel/help-abuse aficionado Naomi Campbell strikes again, but this time she claims it's the maid's fault she got bitchslapped.
—An article on pro-anorexic websites and the companies that sell them fashion accessories. The red bracelet is going to be huge; pretty soon, you won't know if that skinny girl in your acting class is down with Madonna or Mary-Kate. [via Boing Boing]
—Schedule of Rick James Memorial Activities: Viewing Wednesday at Forest Lawn, with funeral to follow on Thursday.
—"Unless you were a teenager in the 1980s, you might struggle to place the name Christian Slater." Thus begins a vaguely depressing profile of Slater in The Guardian. Have these people never heard of Kuffs or the one where he gets the baboon heart? [via Tagline]
—Anna Nicole Smith "luxurious" style-pusher Bobby Trendy is getting his own reality show. God, save us all from personalized throw pillows.