Short Ends: Resurrection Is Easy, Casting Superman Is Hard

—Reps for Jim Caviezel and Brendan Fraser helpfully throw their clients' names into the mix in an article about the difficulty of casting the next Superman. We think they'd better pick Jesus, since he's already familiar with the cool superpowers and helps control access to the afterlife.
—Late-night talk shows as marketing vehicles: "So many great things happen after the show goes off the air," host Jimmy Kimmel said. "Thanks to Sony, everyone can now hear what was once exclusive to our studio audience. This is especially great for viewers who love the music but dislike me." AND Conan goes informercial to hawk his DVDs.
—Desperate E! invites Oscar winners to man Joan Rivers' recently abdicated red carpet throne, Oscar winners incontinent with laughter.
—Brown Bunny blowjob ads invade the East Village, but on an almost quaint scale.